Congratulations to all who received Badges & Awards on Friday evening, thank you to all who assisted and made the event possible. Thank you to the families who attended and supported the Company. Please see below a list of Badges and Awards presented on the evening.
HM The Queen's Diamond Jubilee in 2012
Her Majesty The Queen, our Patron, has graciously given permission for a special commemorative badge to be worn by members of all sections in recognition of the Diamond Jubilee.
The 2nd Dumfries Company awarded all Boys (and Staff) with this special badge on the evening.
Anchor Section Awards
1st Years (Primary One)
Enes Bozkurt - Green Award Pending/Bookmark
Aiden Carrick - Green Award
David Muir - Green Award Pending/Bookmark
2nd Years (Primary Two)
Kael Armstrong - Red Award
Cameron Bozkurt - Red Award
Callum Higgins - Red Award
Josh Kelly - Red Award
Calum Kirk - Red Award
Stewart Kyle - Red Award
John Muir - Red Award
Isaac Scott - Red Award
3rd Years (Primary Three)
Jay Dale - Blue Award and Promotion Certificate
Reilly Martindale - Blue Award and Promotion Certificate
Joshua McEwan - Promotion to Junior Section
Anchor Section Special Awards
Best Recruit - Kael Armstrong
Best Boy - Josh Kelly
Captains Commendation - Calum Kirk
Junior Section Awards
1st Years
Finn Brown - Target Award & Bronze Award
Lewis Carrick - Target Award & Bronze Award
Hadrian Gray - Target Award & Bronze Award *Attained at 1st Troqueer Company
Cameron Higgins - Target Award & Bronze Award
James McBride - Target Award & Bronze Award
Ewan McQueen - Target Award & Bronze Award
2nd Years
Drew Carroll - Silver Award
Kyle Millar - Silver Award
3rd Years
Luke Armstrong - Gold Award Pending & Promotion to CS/Bookmark
Sven Blake - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Joe Gilligan - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Paul Higgins - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Ruaridh Higgins - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Michael Maggiori - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Scott Mcutcheon - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Harry McGowan - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Harshit Morisetty - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Che O’Neill - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Junior Section Special Awards
Best Recruit - Ewan McQueen
Best Boy - Harry McGowan
Inspection - Kyle Millar
Copland Cup for Achievement - Drew Carroll
Captain's Commendation - Che O’Neill
Company Section Awards
Primary 7 (1st Years – Company Section)
Fraser Clarke - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Jean-Luc Diggins - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Callum Hamilton - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Ewan Hamilton - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Blaire Huxtable - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Robson Kerr - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Aidan Mackay - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Innes McLellan - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Alexandru Nun - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Reece Turnbull - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
S1 (2nd Years – Company Section)
Ben Porter - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Grant Ravenscroft - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Brandyn Smith - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Luke Springgay - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Rory Thomson - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Aaron Tyler - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
S2 (3rd Year – Company Section)
Ian Carlisle - Level 3 Recreation, Community & Skill
Rory Dillett - Level 3 Recreation, Community & Skill
Joshua Abishek - Level 3 Recreation, Community & Skill
S3 (4th Year – Company Section)
David Kempsell - Level 4 Recreation, Community & Skill – Promotion to Lance Corporal
Seniors Awards
S4 (5th Year – Company Section)
Patrick Murray - Silver Challenge Plus Award – Promotion to Corporal
Rowen Thomson - Silver Challenge Plus Award – Promotion to Corporal
S5 (6th Year – Company Section)
John Carlisle - Promotion to Staff Sergeant
Sean Grantham - Promotion to Staff Sergeant
Struan McLellan - Promotion to Staff Sergeant
Company Section & Seniors Special Awards
Best Recruit - Robson Kerr
Best Boy - Allesandru Nun
Best NCO - Michael Williamson
Best Drilled Boy - Patrick Murray
Scripture Awareness - Ben Porter
Sportsmanship - Joshua Abishek
Endeavour - Aaron Tyler
Captain’s Commendation - Callum Hamilton & Euan Hamilton
President’s Badge Presentation – David Kempsell
Queen’s Badge Presentation – Struan McLellan, Sean Grantham, John Carlisle, Michael Williamson, Gary Johnson & Ross McIlorum.
HM The Queen's Diamond Jubilee in 2012
Her Majesty The Queen, our Patron, has graciously given permission for a special commemorative badge to be worn by members of all sections in recognition of the Diamond Jubilee.
The 2nd Dumfries Company awarded all Boys (and Staff) with this special badge on the evening.
Anchor Section Awards
1st Years (Primary One)
Enes Bozkurt - Green Award Pending/Bookmark
Aiden Carrick - Green Award
David Muir - Green Award Pending/Bookmark
2nd Years (Primary Two)
Kael Armstrong - Red Award
Cameron Bozkurt - Red Award
Callum Higgins - Red Award
Josh Kelly - Red Award
Calum Kirk - Red Award
Stewart Kyle - Red Award
John Muir - Red Award
Isaac Scott - Red Award
3rd Years (Primary Three)
Jay Dale - Blue Award and Promotion Certificate
Reilly Martindale - Blue Award and Promotion Certificate
Joshua McEwan - Promotion to Junior Section
Anchor Section Special Awards
Best Recruit - Kael Armstrong
Best Boy - Josh Kelly
Captains Commendation - Calum Kirk
Junior Section Awards
1st Years
Finn Brown - Target Award & Bronze Award
Lewis Carrick - Target Award & Bronze Award
Hadrian Gray - Target Award & Bronze Award *Attained at 1st Troqueer Company
Cameron Higgins - Target Award & Bronze Award
James McBride - Target Award & Bronze Award
Ewan McQueen - Target Award & Bronze Award
2nd Years
Drew Carroll - Silver Award
Kyle Millar - Silver Award
3rd Years
Luke Armstrong - Gold Award Pending & Promotion to CS/Bookmark
Sven Blake - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Joe Gilligan - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Paul Higgins - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Ruaridh Higgins - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Michael Maggiori - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Scott Mcutcheon - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Harry McGowan - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Harshit Morisetty - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Che O’Neill - Gold Award & Promotion Certificate
Junior Section Special Awards
Best Recruit - Ewan McQueen
Best Boy - Harry McGowan
Inspection - Kyle Millar
Copland Cup for Achievement - Drew Carroll
Captain's Commendation - Che O’Neill
Company Section Awards
Primary 7 (1st Years – Company Section)
Fraser Clarke - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Jean-Luc Diggins - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Callum Hamilton - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Ewan Hamilton - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Blaire Huxtable - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Robson Kerr - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Aidan Mackay - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Innes McLellan - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Alexandru Nun - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
Reece Turnbull - Compass Award and Level 1 Recreation, Community & Skill
S1 (2nd Years – Company Section)
Ben Porter - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Grant Ravenscroft - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Brandyn Smith - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Luke Springgay - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Rory Thomson - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
Aaron Tyler - Discovery Award and Level 2 Recreation, Community & Skill
S2 (3rd Year – Company Section)
Ian Carlisle - Level 3 Recreation, Community & Skill
Rory Dillett - Level 3 Recreation, Community & Skill
Joshua Abishek - Level 3 Recreation, Community & Skill
S3 (4th Year – Company Section)
David Kempsell - Level 4 Recreation, Community & Skill – Promotion to Lance Corporal
Seniors Awards
S4 (5th Year – Company Section)
Patrick Murray - Silver Challenge Plus Award – Promotion to Corporal
Rowen Thomson - Silver Challenge Plus Award – Promotion to Corporal
S5 (6th Year – Company Section)
John Carlisle - Promotion to Staff Sergeant
Sean Grantham - Promotion to Staff Sergeant
Struan McLellan - Promotion to Staff Sergeant
Company Section & Seniors Special Awards
Best Recruit - Robson Kerr
Best Boy - Allesandru Nun
Best NCO - Michael Williamson
Best Drilled Boy - Patrick Murray
Scripture Awareness - Ben Porter
Sportsmanship - Joshua Abishek
Endeavour - Aaron Tyler
Captain’s Commendation - Callum Hamilton & Euan Hamilton
President’s Badge Presentation – David Kempsell
Queen’s Badge Presentation – Struan McLellan, Sean Grantham, John Carlisle, Michael Williamson, Gary Johnson & Ross McIlorum.
Dear Friends,
You are all invited to join with us in celebration of all our Boys' fantastic achievements this Session. Due to the success of the previous two years we are continuing with the "Awards Ceremony" themed Parents' Evening inspired by the likes of the BAFTA Film and Television Awards and the BRIT Award Ceremonies coordinated by our very own in-house Events Management Professional!
This is an open invite to anyone who is connected with 2nd Dumfries, The Boys' Brigade so please feel free to invite all your family and friends to share with us in celebration. The proceedings will be led by the Reverend Dr. Maurice Bond of St. Michael's & South Parish Church and Father David Borland of St. Andrew's RC Church as well as the usual faces of the 2DHQ Team.
As well as the Badges and Awards that the Boys have worked so tirelessly towards throughout the Session as per the Award Programmes, there will be special awards being presented to those in the Company who the 2DHQ Team has made a special endeavour or effort to attain and these are in wide spread categories from Scripture Awareness, to Best Drilled Boy and Sportsmanship.
Boys are required to wear full uniform and meet in the Church Hall at 6.30pm to ensure the smooth running of the event.
Guests are asked to be seated in the Church for 6.55pm to ensure the smooth running of the event.
The Team looks forward to seeing you all there.
You are all invited to join with us in celebration of all our Boys' fantastic achievements this Session. Due to the success of the previous two years we are continuing with the "Awards Ceremony" themed Parents' Evening inspired by the likes of the BAFTA Film and Television Awards and the BRIT Award Ceremonies coordinated by our very own in-house Events Management Professional!
This is an open invite to anyone who is connected with 2nd Dumfries, The Boys' Brigade so please feel free to invite all your family and friends to share with us in celebration. The proceedings will be led by the Reverend Dr. Maurice Bond of St. Michael's & South Parish Church and Father David Borland of St. Andrew's RC Church as well as the usual faces of the 2DHQ Team.
As well as the Badges and Awards that the Boys have worked so tirelessly towards throughout the Session as per the Award Programmes, there will be special awards being presented to those in the Company who the 2DHQ Team has made a special endeavour or effort to attain and these are in wide spread categories from Scripture Awareness, to Best Drilled Boy and Sportsmanship.
Boys are required to wear full uniform and meet in the Church Hall at 6.30pm to ensure the smooth running of the event.
Guests are asked to be seated in the Church for 6.55pm to ensure the smooth running of the event.
The Team looks forward to seeing you all there.
Family Fundraiser Barbecue - Friday 22nd June 2012
AS an informal way to conclude the Session we are holding a family fun barbecue as a means of connecting with Boys and Parents/Carers in a relaxed setting. We are also using the event as a well needed fundraising exercise to boost Company funds for the coming Session in order to further improve our offering. As well as the fantastically yummy BBQ treats, we are also putting on fun events such as "Beat The Goalie" and "Soak The Leader" - so Boys have the opportunity to get their own back on the Leaders! Please support this event by coming along and joining in on the fun!